UN General Assembly

General Assembly

The UN also provides a forum for its members to express their views in the General Assembly. The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations (UN). Each year, in September, the full UN membership meets in the General Assembly Hall in New York for the annual General Assembly session, and general debate, which many heads of state attend and address.


The General Assembly consists of the Plenary and the Main Committees. This is the supreme authority within the UN. All member states are represented at the General Assembly, with each nation having only one vote. The delegations are appointed by the member states' governments and usually consist of politicians (ministers and members of parliament) together with advisors and officials etc.


Greenlandic representation

Greenland has attended the UN General Assembly since 1992, since, by agreement with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two of the parliamentarian seats in the Danish delegation are filled by members of the Parliament of Greenland. Two Greenlandic delegates, respectively representing Greenland's two largest political parties, are appointed at a Spring Session to serve a term of one year at a time. The Government of Greenland and its ministers also have the option of attending when the General Assembly deliberates on matters of particular interest or priority for Greenland. Similarly, Greenland participates in the work of the UN subsidiary bodies, panels, commissions etc. when matters pertaining to Greenland are deliberated.

